Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We are a relatively new Sheltie showing family. My daughter, Linda and I have been showing for the last 4 years. Along with the support of my husband we have enjoyed meeting many nice people. Sam our male sheltie is our loving pet (and my husband's baby) but Sam has no say over the 2 girls Molly and Mia. Molly comes to us from Laureate and we love her to pieces. Linda shows her and Molly is now at a good maturing age. We have just bred her and I will keep you posted on the outcome. Mia is 8 months old she is a little on the small size and so we are giving her a little more time to finish filling out. Mia however thinks she is the one in charge and never stops. She is perpetual motion from morning to night (Hence her name PaRay's Catch Me If You Can). We have a pet door that never is idle someone is always running in and out or chasing someone.

1 comment:

Laureate said...

Hi Pat and Linda,

Welcome to the world of blogging. It is a lot of fun! I love the layout of your blog...nicely done. I will visit often.

Take care,