We started off in April heading out to the ASSA National to show Noah...It was defiantly an adventure!!! Ended up dodging a Tornado Tuesday night and ended up back at the Purina Center. Second Tornado we nearly missed friday night as we were heading to the airport to catch an earlier flight...Since the airport was closed from the tornado that went though it, I ended up driving overnight to Chicago to catch our connecting flight back home!! Boy were we all glad to make it back to RI! :)

The Summer was HOT..we ended up only doing a few shows as Noah is only in need of majors, 4 days before we were headed to the Maine shows Hurricane Irene made other plans. It was a stretch but we made it to Maine, had a wonderful stay at Connies home, and enjoyed the electricity!!!
October came and so did an oppurtunity to show in a UKC show, having never showed in the UKC we gave it a whirl, and of course Jenna tried her hand and Jr Handling!!! To say she has a talent is an understatement! The one day of showing Noah was half way to his UKC Championship!!!

Next UKC show was conveniently located 5 minutes from our home in November. Noah was entered as well as Jenna..they both did Fabulous and in the following show Noah Finished his UKC CH with a Group 1 win!!!!!!

The following weekend (Thanksgiving) Noah went to the shows in Springfield MA...Noah was handled by Jennifer as there was a ring conflict with Collies so Paul was unable to show for the class judging. We sat ringside for the ride of our lives!!!!!! Noah was Winners Dog and than Steve took Noah in for Best of Winners for a 4pt Major Best of breed that day was Noah's Sire BISS GrCH Ventura Expectation handled by Jennifer to finish his Gr CH!!!!!

Best wishes for a successful and happy 2012!!!!!