We have put the puppies and Mia on live cam during the day if you would like to check them the address is
www.ustream.tv/channel/shetland-sheepdogs They are gaining and growing daily Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We know it made a difference.
Aww... too cute! Glad to know that after everything that happened, the boys are doing well.
Thank you for the puppy cam! Mom has been watching your puppies at work. She says they are good company and so cute to watch! Almost makes her want another one, but the two of us try and keep her busy. You all are doing such a great job with the puppies. They seem to be growing over night! Mia is being a good mommy. She is so beautiful, the pups are going to grow up the same way! Keep up the good work, we will be watching!
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