We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year may this be a happy and healthy year. Snow fell again yesterday and the temperature dropped to below freezing. Keeping the dogs in isn't hard with Sam and Molly but Mia is another story she just wants to be out no matter what the weather is so I have to keep a eye on her and bring her in so she doesn't get cold or ice in her feet. We have all the decorations down from Christmas and the house is just about back to normal (whatever that is I can't seem to remember with 3 shelties and 2 cats living with us) The household revolves around the animals usually. I told my daughter that after it snows we must have the cleanest deck, stairs and cleared paths in the neighborhood all this for the comfort of the animals. We are looking to spring and the starting of the show season again, a chance to show our dogs and renew our friendships with other Sheltie people. January is a quiet month with most days spent indoors , February is also a indoor month but we can see March right around the corner and spring will be following (Hurrah). I've post a couple of pictures as you can see Mia is running with no feet on the ground as Sam is out to get her, the usual Mia and Sam play she torments him and he chases her.The other pictures is Sam and Mia, Sam and Mia The snow tastes good, 3 dogs racing to see who can catch the snow first